New Website!

08 Apr 2021 - Martin

Around june 2019 we have started our journey of developing a new website. As a lot of projects, this has been interrupted by unforseen thing such as a worldwide pandemic or project members having to work for an actual job.

However, we have finally been able to develop a first version which we like enough to present it to a greater public. This is what you are right now looking at.


When starting the development, we had to decide on the technology to use. Since we are a makerspace it was clear that we wanted to develop the entire website from scratch and not rely on any website builder or similar. Additionally, we wanted to make the website open source and enable members to participate in the further development of the site.

These considerations led to the new website being hosted on GitHub Pages and thus it has been developed using Jekyll.

Jekyll itself is a static site generator which takes markdown and yaml files and converts them into HTML. Additionally you can also include plain HTML into your markdown files and jekyll will include it in your website.

If you are interested in the sources, please check the repository on GitHub which hosts the source of the site. You can also make improvement suggestions by opening an issue or providing a pull request.


In order to be as informative as possible, the website features the following:

Further Development

Any idea and suggestion you have is more than welcome. From our perspective, the following content will be available at some future version: